Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34/365 - Keeping warm

Feet by the fire! I could never get used to being cold like this all the time. You feel it in your bones!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

33/365 - Self Portrait

I haven't been feeling very creative lately! I need to step it up. Today I've been taking care of Ashton all day, with him being sick and all. Hopefully I get back that ambition I had when I began this blog back soon! :) So here is my boring self portrait 365 for the day ... me

Monday, February 1, 2010

32/365 - Sick

Someone came home from school very sick today! Poor guy! He hasn't stopped coughing. I hope it doesn't turn into something big. I hate to see him sick. With his lack of speech I have to guess how bad it is, where he hurts, or what's wrong. It makes me panic sometimes!