Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

53/365 - Burrrrr

It is a bit chilly out today! 55 with a strong cool wind. Amelia's face says it all :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

52/365 - My little dicer

He's really good at it to! Don't worry - it's a butter knife! :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

51/365 - moving in

and this is why I have been so busy! I think I am finally caught up though?!

50/365- walking through the park


Friday, February 19, 2010

49/365 - Park

48/365 - licking rocks?

Oh the joys of Autism! Ashton has PICA, so we have to watch him at all times! He loves to chew on rocks and tree bark mostly - but he does eat a lot of other things (like markers, crayons, chalk) .... to name a few of the more pleasant things he eats :)

47/365 - killing time

on the ipod touch ... I don't gamble AT ALL, but I love my slot machine app. I wish that was real money I had in there :)

46/365 - Self portrait


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

45/365 - Indian Village

45/365 - Arizona/New Mexico border

As soon as I get settled I'll start blogging more again. I promise to catch up on all the wonderful blogs I follow!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

44/365 - Piano fun at Grandma's house

He was so funny!

43/365 - Brother's

This is my husband's brother - he lives in Arkansas (on the right). It was really great meeting him for the first time! He was wonderful!

42/365 - George's

AMAZING food!!!!!

41/365 - Arkansas church

I LOVED photographing Arkansas! I was amazed how beautiful it was there!

40/365 - Arkansas train tracks

39/365 - Arkansas

38/365 - Pool fun

37/365 - OSU The Horseshoe

36/365 - Snuck into OSU Stadium

35/365 - Drive thru's

Akron, Ohio

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

34/365 - Keeping warm

Feet by the fire! I could never get used to being cold like this all the time. You feel it in your bones!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

33/365 - Self Portrait

I haven't been feeling very creative lately! I need to step it up. Today I've been taking care of Ashton all day, with him being sick and all. Hopefully I get back that ambition I had when I began this blog back soon! :) So here is my boring self portrait 365 for the day ... me

Monday, February 1, 2010

32/365 - Sick

Someone came home from school very sick today! Poor guy! He hasn't stopped coughing. I hope it doesn't turn into something big. I hate to see him sick. With his lack of speech I have to guess how bad it is, where he hurts, or what's wrong. It makes me panic sometimes!