Monday, March 7, 2011

I heart faces photo challenge: People's Choice-Best Face from February

This was hard seeing I didn't take as many photos as I usually do this month, but I did love this one (I had another picked out but I took it in March). Anyway, this is my sweet niece! I just love her to pieces!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I heart Faces - Fix it Friday

Here is my play on this weeks Fix it Friday. All I did was saturate the colors in everything except his face and arms, added some contrast, slight sharpen, and added some texture!

Original by Dana Suggs Photography -

My edit

 My B/W

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My new love ....

I never intended to purchase anything today from the MCX. Actually, I was just browsing the store waiting for the Commissary to open their doors, so I could do a little food shopping. I found myself smelling all the new perfumes that I haven't yet smelled, and well, I just fell in LOVE with this perfume - Very Hollywood by Michael Kors. I wasn't even going to walk out the store with it either (I kept telling myself no .. you don't need more perfume), but it kept dragging me back over to smell it again and again. I am very happy I bought it. It's definalty my new favorite fagrance and the bottle is just so purdy!!!! =) 

Monday, February 21, 2011


My daughter can be quite the little model at times. This morning she woke up and asked me if we could do a little photo shoot since she had the time AND it was her day off (yes, that came strait from her mouth). Got to LOVE her! Anyway, thought I'd share .. maybe another one (or two) to come later! Have a happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back from Vegas

Here are a few highlights from our trip. I don't normally do the "strip" while we are there (I lived there for a year and it's just some place I try to avoid now). Although, I do stay on the strip as my little man LOVES to stay at the Castle aka Excalibur. My daughter spends most her time with her Great Grandma. Ashton, my son, is too much for my Grandma to handle so I generally do things with him, while Amelia and Great Grandma spend time together. Overall, it was a good trip. I did get hit by a taxi and he took off. Ashton handled the excitement of the trip much better than I expected. Although it wasn't easy by any means! I got to visit and photograph one of my favorite places - the Redrocks. I wished I could have made it out to The Valley of Fire again - next time.


Isn't it just gorgeous!? I could photograph this place forever and never get sick of it!

The road on the scenic route in Redrock Canyon

I love this one =) But of course if you've been on my blog or flickr you know I love flare photos!

 Ashton at the Redrocks.

I did try to get him to walk the strip, but all the commotion - people, lights, noises - he started to panic. So we went back to the room where he was happy.

I think I can say this was the highlight of the trip for him! Ha. He LOVES to watch the chicken go round and round.

See - happy (and very loud, lol)

Well, that about sums up the trip. Now I need to go peek around and find some new photo challenges to enter =)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunny Sunday!

I'm going to bore you guys with more sun flare, but I'm an addict. I. Can't. Get. Enough!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

photo challenge: YELLOW

Well, the rules in OUR game of Operation is you MUST make the noise and nose light up to get the piece out! I couldn't convince Ashton otherwise! 

living in a perry tale

Friday, February 4, 2011

Didn't your mother teach you not to play with your food?

Ha ha - she loves making faces when I have my Fisheye on my camera and she LOVES her asparagus! =)

Weekly Challenge: Trees

Thanks to another blogger (thanks Kel) I found another photo challenge. I was just out and about the other day taking tree photos while hiking. I LOVE these beautiful trees - they are all over my neighborhood. Just gorgeous!

Before and after - fix it friday

Sharing another before and after -

SOOC - just resized and sharpened for web

The result  - I used a Lightroom preset (one from TRA gosh I can't remember which), then I gave it a vintage feel, and lastly I added a texture.