Red Arrow Diner History (copied from their website)
The Red Arrow Diner first opened its doors in Manchester, NH back in 1922! The original founder was David Lamontagne. At one point in time, there were a total of 5 Red Arrow locations throughout the city. The name Levi Letendre also goes hand in hand with the Red Arrow. Levi worked for the Red Arrow for many years, then eventually bought it from the Lamontagnes, and ran it successfully until his retirement in 1978. His legacy continues to carry on at the Red Arrow. After a few more owners, and then finally in early 1987, the Red Arrow Diner was for sale and vacant for the first time since 1922. That is when Carol Sheehan purchased it and brought the diner back to life!
The local diner is often the focal point of the community, and the Red Arrow is certainly no different. We have always been on the cutting edge in the diner area. In May of '98 we made the decision to go 'smoke-free'. This was absolutely unheard of in the diner business, but we did our research. Although it was a little nerve racking, especially when we were picketed in the wee hours before we went smoke-free! Well, things just sky-rocketed from there, then in September of that same year we were 'Voted one of the top ten diners in the country' by USA Today. To this day people travel from all over the world to visit us. Ask to see our guest book and check it out for yourself. Then in 2000 the Red Arrow Diner was finally named a Manchester, NH City Landmark!
Mention politics, and you will see anyone and everyone at the Red Arrow! This past primary was no different. We were followed by WashingtonPost.com and wow what a hoopla it was! 95% of the candidates visited the diner - some of them even twice - they like the food so much. We even saw the likes of Diane Sawyer, who walked in the front door and immediately scoped out our Dinah Fingers!
The Red Arrow has undergone many transformations since the early days, but one thing will never change... and that is keeping up the quality and consistency that The Lamontagne's began back in 1922. We continue to strive each and every day to provide you with the very best the Red Arrow 24 Hr. Diner has to offer!
Terrific image! The detail is amazing. I love the energy of this.
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