We decided to explore Crystal Pier, he loved that. The only thing was every-time I called it "the pier" he lost his mind! He'd scream back "bridge." "Ok-Ok it's a bridge!" He has labels for most everything and if you don't recall what he calls it, or if you don't know what he calls it; be prepared for the wrath of Ashton! In Ashton's world we should just know, duh!
Walking home we took Garnet Ave, which is a very vivacious Street to begin with. Ashton on Garnet Avenue was like walking with a very annoying drunk person! He knocked down 3 mannequins, kicked closed almost every business' doors along the way, purposely walked into store front windows (okay, slammed himself into them), and laid down in the middle of the sidewalk rolling around. On top of all this, he must have walked into at least 10 people riding bikes or jogging. I mean in his defense, he doesn't know his lefts or rights and big fat chances are he doesn't even hear the person on the bike/jogger scream from behind him "on your left" or "on your right!" I'm getting better and quicker with pulling him out of the way though.
Here are a few shots from today!
Walking on our street to the beach -

THIS is how he preferred to see the waves from the Pier - you can only imagine ALL the strange looks we got - made me happy though. I'd rather him safe on the ground than trying to climb the Pier fence!

Even Ashton can appreciate an amazing view!
Sitting in the middle of the sidewalk on Garnet Ave - probably plotting how he's going to take out those mannequins!
Have you seen Madagascar (the first one)? Well, every time he sees a pay phone he HAS to stop, dial numbers, pick up the phone, speak a bunch of gibberish, than SCREAM "ANIMALS" LOL

Hi Michelle, I bet Ashton enjoyed the one to one time with his mum even if it was a bit of a trial for you both.
Hope you have a great week.
Michelle, these b/w images are stunning!
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