Monday, January 4, 2010

4/365 - trip down memory lane

I took a little drive today. I thought it would be neat to see some of the places I grew up. I wanted to get so much more, but I didn't have time. I'll have to do this again! I haven't seen a lot of these places in over 10 years. So much has changed!

The road I spent most my life on:

The house I lived in - still white with red doors! The only difference is the entire front is missing all the big bushes that used to be there! Those worked to my advantage :)

Elementary School (Main Dunstable)

My Middle School - Elm Street Jr. High

The famous Motel 6 .. hotel parties!!! My mom got to know the owner quite well!

My very first apartment (with no roommates)


A said...

so cool! i'm going home in six weeks after being gone for almost 2 years... i can't wait to take it all in again (especially since i'm from small town/country midwest and have been living in nyc... so different!) thanks for sharing photos of your past :)

Brooke said...

Cool idea! Since I am so close I take all that stuff for granted.

Anonymous said...

That's great Michele. It brought back a lot of memories I'm sure. I don't like to go back to my hometown now that my mom is gone, but that's a great idea.

Heather said...

What a great trip down memory lane. I go down memory lane but never took pictures i'd feel weird sitting in front of a school or our old house with a camera haha... How'd ya do it hehe

Michele said...

Trust me Heather it was awkward!