Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We've finally reached a milestone!

Baby steps with this child I'll tell ya, baby steps! Ashton has never liked sleeping in a bed, ever. From the time he could climb out of his crib we would find him in odd places, like sleeping on the hard, cold kitchen floor. We finally got him to at least sleep on the couch. That floor HAD to be uncomfortable! So, I'd have to say Ashton hasn't slept in a bed for almost 6 years (or more)! I've tried everything too - even bought him one of those huge race car beds (he did sleep in that one, maybe 2 nights, then he was OVER IT! Well, I don't know what happened, but we are now on day 4 and now am telling him it's time to lay down and go to bed..... and by god the kid is actually doing it! Of course he needs his fake fish tank going, iPad, and his million army guys with him, but hey, you need an entourage when your venturing into new territory! What ever works! I know Mom is happy! I get my living room back - woohoo!

And just because!


Krysta said...

Awww, how happy you must be! Our little daughter has Angelman's syndrome and she has sleep issues. I have no idea what we will do when she outgrows her crib, which will be soon!

Unknown said...

You'll have to pick up some door alarms! Ashton has sleep disturbances as well and he's a wonderer. I have alarms on everything, so I know when he's up!

Anonymous said...

good deal Michele. Hope he learns to love his bed.