Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Before and After - Venice Beach

I thought I'd show you another before and after since it's been a while. This is my son at Venice Beach, CA. This wasn't a planned shot, nor did I plan on going down to the water this day, which is why he's in a t-shirt .. either way I still love how it turned out.

BEFORE - only resized and sharpened for web


I start all my editing in Lightroom. I used the brush tool to lighten him up, added contrast at 100 percent. Clarity boosted then exported over to photoshop. There I removed all the people, turned b/w, defogged the sky, burned edges, added a bit of grain, resized, and sharpened for web.


Krysta said...

Very cool

Buckeroomama said...

Your original shot was already great... as is your edit. It has a slightly different 'feel' to it, though. :) I love both.

meine Sichtweise said...

Wonderful pictures! Mag ich sehr :)